BE Computer Engineering
- BE Computer Syllabus
- LP1 Programs
- LP1 Lab Manual
- LP3 Programs
- LP3 Writeup
- LP4 Writeup
- BE GITHUB REPO (P.S. Follow on Github 😁)
- BE Notes & MCQ (Thanks to Rahil Vashistha)
Lab Practice 1 (LP1)
- High Performance Computing
- CUDA Parallel Reduction and Vector Operations :
- Vector and Matrix Operations :
- Parallel Bubble Sort and Merge Sort :
- Parallel Search Algorithms: Binary Search, BFS/DFS
- Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
- Solve 8-puzzle problem using A* algorithm. Assume any initial configuration and define goal configuration clearly.
- Implement alpha-beta pruning graphically with proper example and justify the pruning.
- Develop elementary chatbot for suggesting investment as per the customers need.
- Constraint Satisfaction Problem:Implement crypt-arithmetic problem or n-queens or graph coloring problem ( Branch and Bound and Backtracking)
- Python Implementation
- Note.: CPP is not allowed for final Practicals in some colleges.
- Implement goal stack planning for the following configurations from the blocks world,
- Use Heuristic Search Techniques to Implement Hill-Climbing Algorithm.
- AIR Theory Notes
- Data Analytics
- Download the Iris flower dataset or any other dataset into a DataFrame. (eg ) Use Python/R and Perform Operations
- Download Pima Indians Diabetes dataset. Use Naive Bayes‟ Algorithm for classification
- Write a Hadoop program that counts the number of occurrences of each word in a text file.
- Trip History Analysis: Use trip history dataset that is from a bike sharing service in the United States. The data is provided quarter-wise from 2010 (Q4) onwards. Each file has 7 columns. Predict the class of user. Sample Test data set available here
- Data Analytics Theory Notes
LP3 Programs & Notes
- Linear Regression
- Decision Tree classifier
- K-Means clustering
- Simplified DES
- RSA implementation
- Diffie hellman Client Server Implementation
- ECC (Elliptic Curve Cyptography) Client Server Implementation
Mini Projects BE
- Compiler POS tagging of Hindi sentences
- AIR Mini Project
- Data Analytics Mini Project
- HPC Mini Project
- Project Reports
Thank you