ASM program to sort the list of integers(1 digit) in ascending/descending order
Problem Statement:-
Write X86 program to sort the list of integers in ascending/descending order. Read the input from the text file and write the sorted data back to the same text file using bubble sort.
For 2 digit code ==> Click here
Note: Store data in file as 765432 (without Space) in file.txt .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 | %macro scall 4 mov rax,%1 mov rdi,%2 mov rsi,%3 mov rdx,%4 syscall %endmacro Section .data title: db 0x0A,"***** BuBbLe SoRt *****", 0x0A title_len: equ $-title openmsg: db "File Opened Successfully",0x0A openmsg_len: equ $-openmsg closemsg: db "File Closed Successfully",0x0A closemsg_len: equ $-closemsg errormsg: db "Failed to open file", 0x0A errormsg_len: equ $-errormsg sortmsg: db "After Sorting " sortmsg_len: equ $-sortmsg f1name: db 'file.txt', 0 Section .bss buffer: resb 200 bufercpy: resb 200 bufferlen:resb 8 cnt1:resb 8 cnt2: resb 8 fdis:resb 8 Section .text global _start _start: scall 1,1,title,title_len scall 2,f1name,2,777 ;Opening file mov qword[fdis],rax ;RAX contains file descriptor value bt rax,63 ;63rd bit is +ve(0) if file is successfull opened else it is -ve (1) jc ERROR scall 1,1,openmsg,openmsg_len jmp next1 ERROR: scall 1,1,errormsg,errormsg_len jmp EXIT next1: scall 0,[fdis],buffer,200 ;reading contents of file in buffer ;rax contains actual number of bytes read mov qword[bufferlen],rax ;for rounds mov qword[cnt1],rax mov qword[cnt2],rax BUBBLE: mov al,byte[cnt2] mov byte[cnt1],al dec byte[cnt1] mov rsi,buffer mov rdi,buffer+1 loop: mov bl,byte[rsi] mov cl,byte[rdi] cmp bl,cl ja SWAP inc rsi inc rdi dec byte[cnt1] jnz loop dec byte[bufferlen] jnz BUBBLE jmp END SWAP: ;mov al,byte[rsi] mov byte[rsi],cl mov byte[rdi],bl inc rsi inc rdi dec byte[cnt1] jnz loop dec byte[bufferlen] jnz BUBBLE END: scall 1,1,sortmsg,sortmsg_len scall 1,1, buffer,qword[cnt2] ;scall 1,qword[fdis],buffer,qword[cnt2] ;writing to file.txt ==>original array scall 1,qword[fdis],sortmsg,sortmsg_len ;writing to file.txt scall 1,qword[fdis],buffer,qword[cnt2] ;writing to file2.txt ;Closing file2 mov rax,3 mov rdi,f1name syscall scall 1,1,closemsg,closemsg_len EXIT: mov rax,60 mov rdi,0 syscall |
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