Program to draw inscribed and Circumscribed circles in the triangle
Problem Statement:
Write C++/Java program to draw inscribed and Circumscribed circles in the triangle as shown as an example below. (Use any Circle drawing and Line drawing algorithms)
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#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include<math.h> MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } void MainWindow::drawBCircle(int x1, int y1, int r) { int x,y; int d,d1,d2; x=0; y=r; d=2*(1-r); while(y!=0) { paint.drawPoint(x1+x+200,200-y1+y); paint.drawPoint(x1+x+200,200-y1+(-1*y)); paint.drawPoint(x1+(-1*x)+200,200-y1+(-1*y)); paint.drawPoint(x1+(-1*x)+200,200-y1+y); if(d<0) { d1=2*d+2*y-1; if(d1<=0) //MH { x=x+1; d=d+2*x+1; } else //MD { x=x+1; y=y-1; d=d+2*x-2*y+2; } } else if(d>0) { d2=2*d-2*x-1; if(d2<0) //MD { x=x+1; y=y-1; d=d+2*x-2*y+2; } else //MV { y=y-1; d=d-2*y+1; } } else //MD { x=x+1; y=y-1; d=d+2*x-2*y+2; } } } void MainWindow::dda(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { int dx=(x2-x1); int dy=(y2-y1); int length; float x,y; if(abs(dx)>=abs(dy)) length=abs(dx); else length=abs(dy); float xinc=dx/float(length); float yinc=dy/float(length); x=x1; y=y1; int i=1; while(i<=length) { // float ty=(y); paint.drawPoint(round(x)+200,200-round(y)); // img.setPixel(round(x)+150,150-round(y),qRgb(128,15,45)); x=x+xinc; y=y+yinc; i++; } } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked() { int x1=ui->textEdit->toPlainText().toInt(); int y1=ui->textEdit_2->toPlainText().toInt(); int r=ui->textEdit_3->toPlainText().toInt(); paint.begin(&pic); paint.drawLine(QPoint(200,0),QPoint(200,400)); paint.drawLine(QPoint(0,200),QPoint(400,200)); drawBCircle(x1,y1,r); //Outer Circle // /\ // / \ // ---- bresenham(0+x1,r+y1,round(0.866025*r)+x1,-0.5*r+y1); //left line bresenham(0+x1,r+y1,round(-0.866025*r)+x1,-0.5*r+y1); //right line bresenham(round(-0.866025*r)+x1,-0.5*r+y1,round(0.866025*r)+x1,-0.5*r+y1); //horizontal line drawBCircle(x1,y1,r/2); paint.end(); ui->label_4->setPicture(pic); } int sign(float val) { if(val<0) { return -1; } else if(val==0) return 0; else return 1; } void MainWindow::bresenham(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) { int s1,s2,interchange,x,y,i; float dx,dy,e; dx=abs(x2-x1); dy=abs(y2-y1); x=x1; y=y1; s1=sign(x2-x1); s2=sign(y2-y1); if(dx<dy) { float temp=dx; dx=dy; dy=temp; interchange=1; } else interchange=0; i=1; e=2*dy-dx; while(i<=dx) { paint.drawPoint(200+x,200-y); // if(i==1) // { // QString sx=QString::number(x); // QString sy=QString::number(y); // sx="("+sx+" , "+sy+")"; // paint.drawText(QPoint(150+x+10,150-y+10),sx); // } while(e>0) { if(interchange==1) { x=x+s1; } else { y=y+s2; } e=e-2*dx; } if(interchange==1) { y=y+s2; } else { x=x+s1; } e=e+2*dy; i++; } }
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