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Campus Placement Checklist (Last Month Preparations)

Hello programmers, for many of us the goal of engineering is to get placed in best companies where we can work and improve yourself. So, we have created this article in collaboration with one of our senior to help you prepare successfully for technical interviews.

Choose one language c or java and master yourself in the same, know the basics of others. People choosing java…do note…a lot of companies don’t give an potion when it comes to choice of language in their aptitude. So you will have to do c as well(as much as is required to solve the apti)

Link For Resources: Download Now


v  Choose the areas you are weak on and test yourself from http://www.indiabix.com/aptitude/questions-and-answers/
v  R.S. Agarwal-must
v  You can also practice from geeksforgeeks
v  Practice here (if bored with indiabix) - https://www.pariksha.co/


v  Practise sums from ‘Test your C skills’
v  C programming section from indiabix.com (http://www.indiabix.com/technical/interview-questions-and-answers/)


v  Understand concepts from : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/java/ 
v  OR Head First Java or SCJP
v  SCJP by Kathy sierra- must for those choosing java as their main language
v  scjptest.com
v  Java Programming section from indiabix.com (http://www.indiabix.com/technical/interview-questions-and-answers/)
v  Best java apti practice- http://www.cybermocktest.com/scjp/


v  Database Management section from indiabix.com (http://www.indiabix.com/online-test/java-programming-test/)
v  “DB2 Academic Training – 302A Exam Preparation” course from http://bigdatauniversity.com/courses/
v  Databases/SQL from www.programmerinterview.com
v  ‘Introduction to DBMS’ – IGNOU video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f34MwqUhx8
v  ‘The Theory of Normalisation’ – IGNOU video from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIFxN8eXfe4&feature=related
v  Any concept you want to revise or study in depth in DBMS, please use this source :

Operating Systems

v  ‘Operating Systems’ – IGNOU video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3100pjC2-nM&feature=relmfu
v  Operating Systems section from http://www.programmerinterview.com/
v  ‘Linux Lab : Hands on Linux’ by Deven Shah and Dayanand Ambawade

Data Structures and AOA:

v  Do ds codes(implementation and problems) in the main language of your choice
v  Data Structures section from indiabix.com http://www.indiabix.com/technical/interview-questions-and-answers/
v  Data Structures section from www.programmerinterview.com
v  ‘Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms’ – IIT video from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWg7U0OEAoE&feature=related
v  Any concept you want to revise or study in depth, please use this source :

Miscellaneous :

v  Do practice programming questions from “Cracking the Coding Interview” book for improving logic. (Check out some starting chapters)
v  Read through, understand and do full research on the following topics from www.programmerinterview.com

§  Java
§  C/C++
§  Databases/SQL
§  PHP
§  Javascript
§  Data Structures
§  Operating Systems
§  Recursion
§  General/Miscellaneous
§  Non-Technical

You can also do the other topics on the website but they are not necessary. So it is advisable not to waste your time.
v  For those interested in Linux, complete the entire UNIX section from  http://www.indiabix.com/technical/interview-questions-and-answers/
v  For those interested in Networking, complete the entire Networking section from  http://www.indiabix.com/technical/interview-questions-and-answers/

Your Projects :

v  Thoroughly revise all concepts of your projects. Use the Following guide :

§  Tables
§  E-R model
§  UML diagrams
§  Process or Workflow model
§  Technologies Used
§  Any Improvements or additional functionalities possible?
§  Your contribution

v  Be ready to answer anything related to your projects

You should take about ONE MONTH to complete this checklist, provided you can give about 8-10 hours per day. So work hard, you are guaranteed to have success and your dream job. And the placement training is very enjoyable, so you won’t get bored.

All the very Best! Be sincere in whatever you do. Help others and be good. Stay away from all the bad things in this world.
Have faith in God and remember that you cannot do anything without Him. God Bless you.
Never give up and Good Luck will find you.

Link For Resources: Download Now


  1. Hi, Thanks for sharing. Very informative and very useful for me.

  2. Hi, Thanks for sharing. Very informative post, that I have ever read, the strategy given is really very helpful....Here I’m giving best PLACEMENT ONLINE TRAINING details, once go through it.

  3. The fundamental idea behind object-oriented languages is to combine into a single unit both data and the functions that operate on that data. Such a unit is called an object. A class serves as a plan, or blueprint. It specifies what data and what functions will be included in objects of that class. An object is often called an ―instance‖ of a class.

  4. I read the complete blog about Campus Placement Checklist. It really helped me to understand something and will surely look forward to applying these tips to myself. Thank you for sharing your valuable experience. Keep up the good work.


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